I had a good night as far as loot went, with Gor last night. Got Bloodvenom Blade and Sanctified Handguards for tanking. I love free upgrades. There was a small bit of drama over the Bloodvenom Blade though. I was dual wielding Frost Giants Cleaver and Soulbreaker I think its called, can’t remember. But after I won BB, the rogue in the raid whispers me asking to buy it off me. I told him nope … then he ninja logs in the middle of the raid. Not my fault … learn to roll higher. He rolled a 67 and I rolled a 69 … 69 should auto win rolls anyway in my opinion. Deathbringer Saurfang, the murderer of pug 25s. What was really cool though is that I then did Vault of Archavon 25 and then won again with a 69 on the Sanctified tank gloves. Lol?