Today was such a weird day filled with awkward moments, that I just have to write about it.
Every Saturday, I have a fun-filled, 6-hour day of Physics. While walking onto campus, everyone was walking towards the doors to go inside. As usual, a lot of people had their heads buried in their phones while walking. I was doing the same. When I noticed in my peripheral vision a woman walking beside me also with her head buried in her phone. Then next thing I noticed, not paying attention where she was walking, she walked full-force, into the wall.
Had a lab in Physics today where I had to work in a group. One guy in the group was sick and coughing a phlegmy cough nonstop. All I kept thinking was,”Dude, why the hell didn’t you stay home!” Then later in the class, I noticed 6 more of my classmates all coughing. I have no idea why people just don’t stay home when sick. Class isn’t that important that you have to walk around infecting people. I’m going to be sick too in a few days now.
The school caf was closed so I begrudgingly went to McDonald’s. I ate inside and thought I’d do some school work on my laptop. As I sat down I thought to myself, “WoW, it smells like a musty mop over here,” so I thought they just cleaned the table with a dirty cloth. After I was done, I stood up and noticed a homeless woman staring into space. Then a few feet from that, I noticed more homeless people sleeping on the benches inside the McDonald’s. Found where the smell was coming from.
My Physics professor never wears a belt. Got mooned while he was lecturing about adding vectors.
Later that day, after the 6-hours of Physics torture was over, I was going home and walking towards the subway. I noticed as I cross the street a little girl in pink and white and a pink and white helmet, with people bustling right past her. She was no older than about 4 or 5 on her little pink scooter. She stopped and looked down the street. I looked around and saw not one adult around her and I was thinking to myself, “Is she alone?”. I saw no adult around. I walked past the little girl and still saw no one around and got concerned. I was starting to have second thoughts of maybe it’s a bad idea to leave her on a busy street corner. I got about a quarter down the block when I saw a woman dressed in black and I asked if the little girl was with her and the lady said, “Yes.” She said something else to the effect that she keeps running ahead of her and then she said, “Thank you!”. If anything would have happened to that little girl, her mother was half a block away and would have been way too far away to have been able to stop it. I saw them walk across the street together and that was that.
People astound me. That little girl was fortunate. Glad you helped her. I hope school is going well.🙂
School just started so it remains to be seen if it’s going well 😆
It astounds me some parents have no awareness. I’ve seen a small kid separated from their parent before on the subway. The kid was trailing behind the mom. Train doors shut, pulled off and the mom was left on the platform screaming