Back To School

2 cats in a cubby hole

It’s back to school again on Saturday, and I don’t feel like I’m ready. Not only do I have the absolute worst schedule, but the weather has been in the single digits with 15mph winds. The snow on the ground is more like dirty crunchy snow cones and every moment I have to walk, I feel like I’m going to slip and bust my butt on the ground. The wind hits my face like needles, so I’m so mad they got rid of online classes this semester.

Besides my griping, today was an uneventful day, so my post is just going to be a bunch of ranting today. I made shrimp stir fry which didn’t turn out too bad, but the boyfriend said I overcooked the shrimp. I agree because they went from popcorn shrimp to microscopic shrimp. I never knew shrimp could shrimp so much!

Additionally, my treadmill shipping is delayed and they claim it won’t ship until the 28th, so that’s another thing gone wrong. I was hoping to get it before then because 2 snow storms have already passed, and it’s still frigid outside, so I can’t do my daily brisk walk. I tried to one day and I already couldn’t feel my legs just halfway through the workout and I had to turn around and come back inside.

So 5 more days until it ships and probably another day or 2 after that. Luckily it’s only shipping from dirty Jersey.


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