People Eaters

I’ve never watched YouTube much, but for the last few weeks I have, and learned there are people who eat people. Not eating in the sense of a cannibal, but there are people who practice the occult and eat other peoples’ souls and sadly, a lot of those kinds of people are our own (Black) people. Sean Combs (Diddy) being one of them.

I am not into conspiracy theories, but I try to keep an open mind. And as I watched YouTube, I came to the revelation that our society is much darker than one can fathom and that all of it is intentional. The majority of us live in a bubble, where we are safe from the darker ills of the earth, but without protection or someone having our backs, your chances of falling into the Dark increases where one could find themselves being trafficked, pimped, or fall into a life of addiction or even gangs. Once those situations become your reality, then you can’t escape. “They” won’t allow you to escape. If you don’t have someone to protect you, then you become the prey.

Living in the New York, I am sitting in the belly of the beast, so I know first hand how people prey on others and nobody does anything; they just keep walking because they don’t want to make your problem, their problem which is understandable. And I’m not talking about preying on others like taking their things, I mean preying as in kidnapping or some way to own that person’s body. And the thing here is no one will save you, not even the police. My friend once reported a woman who he believed was trafficking children, and the cops did nothing. It was at that moment that I realized that we are all on our own, vulernable, and there’s no one to really protect us, not even the children, because the adults don’t want to be bothered.

The people eater could be a relative, a spouse, aunt or uncle who lives right in the house with you just standing by to do their worst when no one is looking. It’s also celebrities and those wo work with them creating secret societies where they disappear people so they can eat them.

No one seems to be making a big fuss about the occult statue that has been making its rounds across the United States. While I’m not afraid of a block of stone, the problem lies in what it represents and how people begin to act around it. The most disturbing thing about it however, are the children at its feet where one is clearly a Black little boy. I believe there are secret societies that kidnap and traffick children and for the rest of us, they put satanic imagery in the music and videos for the basic people in society, who stupidly mimic it.

I guess I said all that to say, the agenda to promote homosexuality and hypersexuality in general, may seem innocent now, but I believe there’s an agenda to make the United States just a hedonistic society. It’s not about being homosexual or bi-sexual, and definitely not about love, but is about just having sex with anyone and anything. The erosion of a moral center. I mean look at American society now with so many people sad about everything and complaining. the cynicism of American socieoty is growing, so one could argue the move toward selfish pleasuers in anything, is what people may easily fall back on, and not strive to do anything.

We’re fucked. Literally.

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