Father’s Day

I had shit loads of fun today with my dad. I scooped him up at about 11 in the morning. Although I could tell my mom didn’t want to have anything to do with him, we went to the store to pick up some stuff, and then to my husband’s job to meet him. We sat around the house and talked, while he and my mom argued and so on.

I think my dad is cool and funny; I see where I get my sarcastic humor from — we’re almost so alike its uncanny.

He’s a really cool guy though. We washed my car and I fixed his computer and stuff. I hope we keep in touch. I learned a lot of interesting things about my family though. I have 5 other siblings: Earl, ?, Chanelle, Shan, and Sabrina.

Earl is 35, and is a Lietunant or something like that in the Air Force

??? (I forgot her name — it was Shanelle or something like that with an “sh”), is an employee of I think he said Polygram records in New York City

Chanelle, is 24, just graduated from Morgan State

Shan, 26 (my fraternal twin-yet not twin), is in jail and gets out in October – I did not ask what he got bagged for. Come to find out Shan is a guy and we were born in the same day, same hospital, and born 2 hours apart. Geez.

And Sabrina, well, Sabrina has 3 kids, lives somewhere in this area, and stabbed her husband to death in a domestic violence dispute.

My oh, my.

Posted in RL

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