Death Certificate

Now before everyone starts getting all teary-eyed about my Rex, I want you to see how much mileage my baby traveled before he died.

Oh yeah 237,731.2 miles baby … I have searched on Ebay for vehicles that have gotten anywhere near this amount of mileage and none of them even came close; not even anywhere near 200,000 so that means my car is STILL the sHiZniT even in death. My car is still the bomb though … a friend of mine asked to buy it off me today but I told I worked too hard to pay off this car to just let it go like that so it’s not up for grabs. He’s been trying to buy this car off me for 5 years. I have another friend who wants to buy it off me as well. He rebuilds Hondas so I know he could lay this car out. Probably would have lasted even longer had I not been driving every friggin where in it but hey, I live in a city where you have to drive every got-deggit-all where. Most of the driving was local driving but when I was living in California, everything was so friggin far apart – more far apart than it is here in Virginia. I had to drive 50 miles to school and back each day. I have driven it cross country some 3,000 odd miles, we have been to New York city once so that’s 465 miles both ways. Sheesh, I was one traveling @#$%^.

I bought me an 89 Ford Ranger off of Ebay yesterday from a local motorcycle shop so I have to go pick it up sometime tonight or tomorrow. I won that sucka for only $177 with a cracked head but I don’t realy give a you know what as long as it can get me to work and back for a few weeks until I get the Rex back on the streets. After that it can blow the fuck up for all I care. The owner says the truck still runs well but won’t last long if I don’t get the head fixed. I have no intentions of fixing it, I just need temporary transpo. And besides if it blows up in a month I won’t feel bad about a measley hundred bucks at all so I think I may have gotten a bargain even if it doesnt’t last a month. I was thinking of renting a car for a few weeks until I get the Rex back but that would only take from my pot; I will use that only as a last resort.

But anyway, wish me luck and that this Lone Ranger pulls out the parking lot.

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