Whew, who’d ever thought it would come around again so quickly. What did I get? I got a bag full of Avon cosmetics, a new supermacro lens for my camera, a $25 gift card to the mall and a new Yo-Yo Ma CD; I LOVE YO YO MA!! I loved all my gifts. I can’t wait to get out and try my new lens though.
The big let down is that I have to go to work tomorrow. Not cool at all. I really don’t feel like hearing customers whine bitch and complain. My family is going out to the mall to spend their gift cards though. I’m going to miss out on everything. Another reason why I want to go back to doing my home business full time rather than fucking around with Canon; I’m just not the type of person who minds living at the shout of corporate America’s orders. I love my job at Canon however, it sucks this time of year I have to be forced to listen to other spoiled peoples’ rants and complaints while I want to be home with my own family. Everyone will be out having fun without me π