Yeah iPhone Whatever

So Apple iPhone finally comes out today @ 6pm. The punch line is it’s only available for AT&T wireless services. Why the hell would anyone want AT&T? You pay much more and get miserably less than all of the carriers out there. For instance, I have Sprint because they are the cheapest and strangely enough, they give more minutes than any other cellular provider. I also do a lot of traveling and they are nationwide coverage which suits my lifestyle.

For $39.99 a month, I get 450 Anytime minutes and Unlimited Nights and Weekends starting at 7pm which I have never gone over; hey, Sprint makes it virtually hard to use all your minutes because most everyone I know has either Sprint or Nextel which uses my Mobile to Mobile minutes so it takes no minutes for me to talk to them. Wooha!

AT&T on the other hand is a sad cry from ever getting my business in this life from me. For a whopping $59.99 a month, you get 450 minutes, 5000 Nights and Weekend minutes starting at 9pm! And me due to that I do not know anyone with an AT&T phone, I’m gonna burn through those 450 minutes like a wildfire before my 30 days is up. And Nights and Weekends starting at 9pm? Dude, most of the people I know if I call them after 9pm and it’s not already the weekend, they aren’t picking up the phone so I would have to make my calls before 9pm. At 7pm, at least there is still light in the sky.

Now granted, AT&T is having some kind of special I think if you buy a new service with an iPhone. AT&T has their Unlimited Data Plan and 200 Text Messages included in that $59.99 while Sprint does not, however, I only pay $10 for my Unlimited Data Plan from Sprint and $5 for 300 Text Messages which brings my plan up to $54.99 a month; still less than AT&T. I do get a $5 discount on my Data Plan from Sprint because Sprint is too ghetto to make their network work with their own PDA phones. So a regular phone will still add up to $59.99 a month.

So it kind of evens out to just about the same. However, me switching to AT&T I would burn wayyyyy too many minutes because I know no one with AT&T. Last time I was on a plan like that I was talking 700+ minutes a month! And the next plan up is 900 minutes @ $79.99 a month! WTF dude … How the hell can you jump from 450 minutes to 900?! That’s a big ass leap – another plan could be put in-between that. Meh, Sprint does the same thing but they used to have a 750 minute plan; that’s the one I had years ago for $59.99 a month =/

Naw dude … Ain’t happenin. I may hate Sprint but at least I get more than AT&T.
I hope iPhone will be available for other carriers soon because I want one dammit. My PDA phone is not compatible with my Mac without paying more money to buy third party software and even then it’s still not guaranteed to work.

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