I began this blog in 2004 when I was 26 years old, as a side project originally written in html at my first failed attempt at college at Cosumnes River College in California. WordPress wasn’t really a thing just yet, so if you wanted any kind of online presence, you had to know html and build your website yourself or pay someone to do it, and I wasn’t going to do all that. There was no such thing as website builders yet either. I knew a little, but not enough to make anything graphically appealing, so my initial site started off as text. This was never an ongoing project, so I hopped on it off and on, and forgotten about many times (those are the big gaps in years from posting), and only recently I decided to resurrect it when I realized the thing is pretty much a time capsule of most of my adult life. I remember my husband hating it at the time, because he found it and wanted me to take it down and I refused. No one knew about it, but me and I never called him out by name, so I didn’t see what the point was for taking it down. It was my outlet for my frustrations, but I never thought it would be a long-term thing. That wasn’t the plan when I started it though.
Unfortunately, the actual files have been lost with time and hard drive crashes, and the site has had many names, but thanks to Waybackmachine, and a long forgotten mirror of the entire site I found on Blogspot, I’ve been able to piece most if not all of it back together to a working site; even the parts written in html. I suspect some posts are still missing though because I’ve found some stories that read like there’s more, but it’s not found. Also, relinking the dead links and images is still a work in progress, so there’s still tons of those.

Anyway, I wanted the site to look better, so I went from doing plain html to using Microsoft Publisher to adding a little eye candy.

Keeping up hosting became too much to pay, so I think at this point, I exported my site from Publisher to Blogspot.

It’s funny how back in the day, websites were the thing to communicate with people on the web. That style got gutted when Facebook and other social media came on the scene, squashing it. So now rather than peoples’ online influence being gatekept behind website building, now everyone had a bullhorn on the internet with just a Facebook post or a tweet. That nuked us with websites if we didn’t have a way to collect followings. So personal websites all but dried up and even when I go back to some of my old favorite just ordinary people from back in the day with websites, they’re all dead sites now. Sad.
However, I’ve watched the Internet come full circle. Now that big tech having full control of users’ data gated behind social media platforms, people are starting to own their own content again through the fediverse. The “new” (not new actually) fediverse technology allows me to link all my social media platforms into one interface using my WordPress blog, so I am really happy about it. I always felt it was bad for everyone to be putting their content on a social media website, allowing them to have full control of it. With the fediverse, it’s no longer a thing. I can post here and syndicate to all other platforms and respond, get likes, shares, etc., all from my WordPress blog no matter which platform responders are on.
Blogging, gaming, playing the cello and drawing are my hobbies when I get some spare time. My writings are about issues affecting the Black community, technology, my weight loss journey, the political state of America (the United States one), my personal opinions and the wild going-ons around the City. I am vulgar, unapologetically Black, and cuss like a sailor, so you’ve been warned. My blog is my outlet to voice my unpopular opinions, so if you’re looking for niceties and political correctness, you won’t find it here. 🦉
If you enjoy my site, you can donate via my Patreon.
💼 Computer Science major at CUNY📍NYC 🔗 evenyc.com
📅 Joined the Internet September 1997
I’m a Black woman and a computer science major, living in this crazy simulation called New York City. I call myself a gypsy because there was a time I was just roaming around the country, between the east and west coasts, just traveling aimlessly, until I rested on staying in New York.
@[email protected] on Mastodon
Mastodon@[email protected] on PixelFed
Social Media
🎥@gorlivetv on YouTube
Battlenet Gör#1270
Deprecated Accounts
@evenyc_ on Twitter (I will never call it X)
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