Night Elf Druid: Last but certainly not least is my legacy toon Xeneca; my main during Vanilla WoW, pre-Wrath, pre-Burning Crusades, pre-everything. The very first character that started it all, I made in 2005 shown here in full Tier 2 in all its moosey glory. Laugh at it now, but it was one if not *the* best class gear model in the game and I was one of the few endgame druids on the server who had it. Reason being was because gear drop rate was horrible before Blizz added the tokens in game. And unlike now were there are only 5 pieces in the endgame sets to collect, there were 8 back then and I had to compete for gear with 4-5 other druids and then at the same time hope that my class piece dropped against 39 other people in the raid because everything was 40 man then unlike now its only 10 and 25 man raids. Typical time to get a full set was anywhere from 3-6 months as compared to now it only takes a few weeks. And in endgame content, there was only one spec allowed and that was Resto, feral was a leveling only spec that had no place in raiding (unless your name is Moonstar – no I haven’t forgotten you leveled as resto Moon >.<) and balance was a laughable spec that no druid ever specced because it was so stupid and just as low damage as feral. So every druid in the raid being the same Resto spec, I had to compete with the same gear against those same other 4-5 druids. So people who are *just* starting to jump in WoW … consider yourselves friggin lucky and understand why people now don’t like bad players getting welfare loot.
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📅 Joined the Internet September 1997 I'm a Black woman and a computer science major, living in this crazy simulation called New York City. I call myself a gypsy because there was a time I was just roaming around the country, between the east and west coasts, just traveling aimlessly, until I rested on staying in New York.
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