And I got there by herbing a felweed in Hellfire lol.
Category: Screenshots
Gör 2.0
An in-game friend of mine came on begging me to come to Kel’Thuzad so we can make a guild in Cataclysm … and ya know I woulda been all cool with it …. until he told me he re-rolled to Alliance /sigh. I haven’t played Alliance since Wrath release when I leveled my Shaman, Izri…
Night Elf Druid: Last but certainly not least is my legacy toon Xeneca; my main during Vanilla WoW, pre-Wrath, pre-Burning Crusades, pre-everything. The very first character that started it all, I made in 2005 shown here in full Tier 2 in all its moosey glory. Laugh at it now, but it was one if not…
Draeni Shaman: Last endgame Alliance toon I played up until the end of Burning Crusades when I called Alliance quits. Leveled to 80 and haven’t played it since. I have since faction changed her Horde but haven’t even played it. Pictured here in what looks like part Tier 5 & 6. I have to say…
Undead Priest: My main during Burning Crusades. Strictly PvP toon I swap between Discipline and Shadow specs that I play on my spare time shown here in full Season 2 Arena set.
Orc Death Knight: My current main since Wrath release. Full Sanctified (T10) set minus the legs since T10 legs are subpar to my current legs.