
PlayStation PlayStation 

PSN service now resuming in U.S. Northeast: CT, MA, ME, NH, NY, NJ, RI, VT and more to come

🙁 Nothing for Virginia yet. Tried to logon but I guess the servers haven’t come online yet because I’m still getting the old PSN is under maintenance message that I’ve been getting for a month now /cry

It did however download the firmware update on it’s own so when it does come online, I’m going to make it my duty to be the first in Virginia.

While all the paranoid hurricane people flock to the stores for supplies … I just picked me up supplies of my own … God of War Collection in HD. Can’t wait to get home to play it.  Too bad my home TV isn’t in HD  🙁  so going to have to find a way to hook it up to my computers HD LCD.  Pretty sure there’s an adapter I can get to make it work since it supports HDCP.

Decisions … I’m debating which game I should get; God of War Collection set or Final Fantasy.  I played the first God of War when it came out (and for the life of me I couldn’t beat myself on the last stage) but I’ve never gotten the chance to play Final Fantasy at all.  Pretty badass game so I hear and the artwork looks amazing.  Same with God of War of course too.  I love dual wielding the chained blades though … Kratos is just pure badass and will definately go down as one of the most remembered games ever. I suppose I could just get both but hrmm … At any rate I’ll end up getting both eventually; its inevitable.  It’s time to build up my game collection again now anyways … eff it I’ll just get both.

Today I got a PS3 from my cousin, I so eagerly hooked it up to my TV, turned it on, set it up … but now I got this great game console … and a shitty TV.  To give you an idea what kind of TV we’re talking about here, I’m not a TV watcher so it usually just sits here collecting dust … its a 25″ standard TV, its probably well over 12 years old … yea. Its like *that*. Its always worked so I never bothered to upgrade it and I don’t watch it so I never bothered. But now that I play PC games on an HD screen, my TV looks horribly blurry to me.

Why oh why must I like gaming and technology so much that I just simply have to have the best picture quality or I qq over it?  So now I need an HDTV /sigh.  And the thing is when I get me an HDTV … I dont want some puny 10″ … I want the biggest screen I can get without going into poverty.  I want a TV thats going to take a dozen hulky Arabian male strippers to get through the door.

So now that’s what it looks like I’m going to be getting next … an HDTV. Damn the wheels of technology.