Economy, economy, economy … thats seems to be what the news is talking about all the time, but besides all the media hype, I haven’t really seen any change from before the recession was announced to today. Maybe it’s because I’m single and live alone, don’t have a house, don’t have anything thats life altering. I mean really, the only thing that has changed for me is my WaMu bank closing its doors and my account being absorbed into JP Morgan Chase. Maybe I see no difference because I already live on a pretty much a budget but for those who seem to be having a hard time getting it together and live single, here’s what I do to keep the bills down:
1. Rent/Mortgage: Well nothing you can do about this so yah you gotta pay it so the only thing I can recommend is find a place you really like and don’t get anymore space than you think you’re gonna use. Remember, if you’re renting, it doesn’t belong to you so who effin cares how much you pay for it. No need in getting a luxury apartment to rent … you’ll never own it.
2. Car: See above. Don’t buy anything thats out of your league. If you’re buying it to impress friends then you don’t need it. Save up about $3000 or so and instead of using it on a down payment on a car, use it at an auction. I’ve found you can find some pretty decent cars and even some newish ones for one payment of $3000.
3. Car Insurance: No real way to get around this one either; it is what it is so just try to keep your record clean. That’s the only way to save money on this one. Speeding is fine … just don’t get caught! (just kidding). Just be aware also, alot of insurance companies drag you in with cheap prices because of discounts and then as you keep the car longer, those discounts fall off. Some of them can be really really big discounts which can make a drastic change in your bill so just ask what discounts you will be getting and how long they are for; lots of times they won’t tell you the discounts you’re getting unless you ask.
4. Utilities: Here you can save yourself money. You live alone. There’s no need to leave every light on in the house. Turn them out as you exit the room. Also, there’s no need to leave your air condition or heater on all dam day when you’re at work! In the winter when you get home from work, turn on the heat; bundle up until it gets warm … pretty sure you’re not going to die. Learn to use a blanket. In the summer, when you get home from work, turn on the AC; if its that hot walk around the house naked if you have to until the AC circulates. You live alone … not like anyone is going to see you! Turn everything off. If you have rooms that you don’t use often, unplug everything from the wall. You’re not using it so why give free money to the money grobbling power company. Turn on only what you are using at the time and then turn it off. Try to invest buy stuff that has powersaving or energy efficient on the box. Trust me, those pennies start to add up. And above all … don’t leave your Christmas tree lit up 24 hours a day … you’re not even lookin at it. Estimated cost for utilties? $65/mo
5. Cable: Do you REALLY need it? I bet you don’t. Think about it … do you just watch ONE primetime show and then turn the TV off at night? Do you get off from work so beat that you don’t even feel like watching TV most the time? Do you turn on your TV one day out the week to watch a movie or do you only watch movies? Cable is expensive and it’s only going to get more expensive. Although I do work for the cable company, its friggin EXPENSIVE and avoid it at all costs. I’ve found that alot of people don’t even watch TV enough to justify paying $75$ or more for it a month. I suggest using Netflix, RedBox or Hulu. You can watch TV shows online at alot of networks websites for free! Didn’t know that did you? I watched the entire series of RuPaul’s Drag Race and Hoarder’s online for free without even paying a dime right on their own networks’ websites, Logo and A&E. And if I wanted to watch a movie, I subscribed to Netflix; $8 a month and I could watch movies and rent DVDs for low costs. Some people like RedBox, although I’ve never used it, it was suggested by a friend for movie rentals for dirt cheap. Cheaper than all the cable companys’ OnDemand. Hulu I hear is going to start making some portion of their site pay for now so I dunno how long their going to last as a free option. Estimated cost for entertainment via TV? $0-$9/mo
6. Internet: Do you really NEED that 50Mb download speed? I bet you don’t. To be honest, I’m a hardcore gamer and I originally had DSL with 3Mb download speeds. Now I have cable with 25Mb download speeds and guess what I see NO friggin difference in my gameplay whatsoever. Maybe there is something going on in the backend but I don’t see it. I didn’t experience lag either so I have to say if you’re a gamer, 3Mb is the breaking point for gameplay. I wouldn’t recommend going any lower than that. I also used to have 1Mb DSL and I did experience lag from that point but then again lag is all based on location so if you can start off low and then upgrade as you see what your lag point is. Now for people who do alot of downloading music, videos, etc um yea 3Mb isn’t going to cut it. You have to make a decision point there. I don’t do alot of downloading but if you feel that all that downloading is worth the money then you’re prolly pirating anyway. Estimated cost for 3Mb service? $19.99/mo
7. Home Phone: Does anyone even still use this? Dump it if you have a cell phone. Completely uneeded really. If you simply have to have a home phone then check with your phone provider and go with their cheapest plan. Usually incoming calls are all free and charged calls are by the call and not by the minute. However, being in an area prone to hurricanes, its good to have a home phone because cellular service towers go out for everyone. Happened during Hurricane Floyd when no cell carrier worked but home phones still did. On a second note on that, go with a POTS (plain old telephone service) provider. Not cable and not FIOS phone because when your cable or fiber line goes out, guess what THEY DONT WORK! Bet the sales guy didn’t tell you that when you signed your contract! And guess what, they wont unless you ask and the average Joe and Jane, won’t ask because they don’t think about emergencies. However, with a POTS provider power is carried along the copper phone line so they almost never ever go out. If you don’t see it on your provider’s web site, then call and ask them about their dead minimum phone service plan; they don’t always advertise it. This is just a plain line with dial tone and no services like back in the day. Estimated cost for plain Jane POTS line? $7/mo
8. Cell Phone: Shut your mouth. Point blank. You don’t need to have the latest and greatest phone and you proly don’t need to use 100 minutes a day. Do you really need to call someone to have a conversation to tell them something that can be said in 3 words? LEARN TO TEXT! I recommend one cell provider that I’ve used and thats Virgin Mobile for $25 a month you get 300 minutes and unlimited text & web with NO contract! 300 minutes a month you say you can’t live off that? Well, if you can’t then you suck. If you simply must have more minutes, get a plan from your provider that you know will be good for you. Many people pay for minutes plans they don’t even use. Look at your bill, see how many minutes on average you use and then base your plan on that. I recommend NOT going with providers who use contracts. For anything. I treat contracts like the plague unless theres a big price difference where I would be saving rather than signing. There are providers out there who may not have the best phones in the world, but at least you’re not in a contract and not penalized out the wahzoo for going over your minutes if it happens. But hey, you should be watching your minutes so you shouldn’t be going over.
These are just a few of the things I do to limit costs. I realize its involves lots of restraint. but no one said living cheap would be easy. I’m single, no kids, live alone so it may work for some people or at least let me put a bug in your ear; just my little contribution to society if this helps.
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