It’s almost 9pm and Mal’Ganis is still down /sigh
So looks like I won’t be getting my dailies done today. Oh well, time to go watch some movies I guess.
Category: Gaming
Lady Vashj
Was rummaging through my pics and found this old school WoW screenshot I took on one of our attempts on Lady Vashj … before she wiped us all. For all who don’t know she was the badass endboss for Serpentshrine Cavern in Burning Crusades. She was one of the first bosses that ended the era of tank n spank bosses in WoW. She is complete execution; no tankin in spankin here … or you would get spanked. We did eventually kill her but like many cock block bosses … she’s the boss that broke the guild. After we killed her, several people left the guild to form their own because they felt we took too many weeks to kill her and furthermore they were getting aggravated with the retards in the guild. It took so many weeks to kill her due to incompetents who managed to get drafted into the guild cause the server was so lousy they were the only people we could find to fill the spots which in turn caused us to wipe so many times; it’s so hard to throw an effin rock I suppose.
Staring At My Monitor
So 20 people were on on my guild last night but rather than pugging 5 spots (because the raid lead doesn’t like pugging) they decided to do 10 man heroics …. with ONE group because the other raid leads didn’t show. Which essentially left 10 people staring at their monitors in Dalaran. So one person gquit and another gquit earlier in the day. Most likely I will too eventually but I’m waiting to see what happends.
In frustration, I went ahead and did a pug 25 run with a guild named Symbiosis. A bunch of great guys. Not hard core players but hey they got the job done. Got stumped on Putricide though. It was 3am and I was falling asleep … almost autoran into the boss but I miraculously woke up just in time to catch myself running into the boss room. Then I fell asleep again on gaseous bloat and ran INTO the slime and just barely missed it by seconds when I had the debuff /facepalm. Had we not wiped so many times on Putricide I probably would have been aware of my surroundings. They said they needed people for their 25s because like my guild, having attendance problems. They are a late night raiding guild and they asked if anyone wanted to join they could. As for me I don’t know about that simply because I know all the fights already and have been up to Lich King. I’ve done my time learning bosses and I’m not really prepared to wait on others to learn all the fights from ground zero all over again. It was hard for me to even stay focused on Putricide last night as we got into the 3rd, 4th and 5th wipe. I haven’t wiped on Putricide on my current guild in ages.
I got Symbiosis on my friends list just in case though. Maybe it was just a bad night … we all have them.
Warming the Bench
So my new guild isn’t running 25 mans anymore just heroic 10s in which after raiding 2 weeks in 25mans, I was promoted to Core Raider, raided 1 week as 25s raid and then boom; no one showing up for 25mans so they announced they weren’t doing them anymore. Why time after time do I get in all these unstable guilds? That’s one thing I miss about being in my old Ally guild was stability. Through the good and the bad we stuck it out which is why they’ve been around since 2004 and still around. Sure we had times people didn’t show up for raid … but we sucked it up and stuck it out. For 3 years I remained in that guild and raided almost every night and I have never been in another guild like it. FML for having to work and left the guild.
I was not invited to the heroic 10s tonight so now that means I have to pug it. Didn’t I join a guild so I wouldn’t have to pug? Could of sworn I did. I was told just to still log in on time but they can clear 10mans on Lich King. Why in the world would I log in to get saved and just to do 1 boss if any? They said they wanted to do 10man heros and play ” with their friends ” … well I’m the new guy so I’m not hardly anyone’s friend … I can see where this will be going real quick. I’ve been playing this game long enough time to know if you’re not in *The Clique* you warm the bench until one of the guys don’t show up and then you can fill in and get saved to a partial instance. And when the guy shows up again, back to the bench. . And furthermore I have no interest in just doing 10mans heroic mode or otherwise’ I’ve always liked doing 25s and I want to do the top content in the game. I can always run 10mans in a 25man guild but wouldn’t be able to obviously in a 10man guild. I could care less about the loot, I like the content. I like doing raids from start to finish because I love the challenge … I get adrenaline rush from games … it’s like my Superbowl. Tbh I never liked the 10man raid mode concept ever since Blizz introduced it into the game; I’ve always hated it. Whatever happened to when Ony was Ony … there was no easy Ony or hard Ony … or easy Ragnaros or hard Ragnaros … Rag was Rag. There was only one of them. You could either kill him or you fuckin couldn’t. The boss was THE BOSS and if your guild couldn’t fucking do it then oh-fuckin-well go find a new guild that can. I mean seriously, the game is suppose to be “A World”. There is no Easy Mode in life … if ONLY I could press the easy button everytime I went to work.
Oh well looks like it’s back to the drawing board …
[Trade]: 6k gs unholy dk LF 25man late night guild
So only being 3 weeks into my new guild … it folds … at least as far as 25mans is concerned which is pretty much all I wanted to do in the first place. The typical problems like my old guild … people not showing up for raids so they said they’re sticking with 10man heros. And I’m only 3 more souls from next quest in Shadowmourne quest line. Jeez. I don’t know what I’m going to do from this point because finding a late night guild that does 25s is like trying to find a 4-leaf clover in a field. Good luck with that. I used to look for those ya know … never found one. It’s kinda like OMG look I found a 4-leaf clover … and then realizing once I pluck it it’s just another leaf of another nearby clover. A few times in trade I will see new guild seeking people for 25s … I am sooo leary of so-called “new guilds” because most of the time they fold. So I guess Gör is without a home again … might be time to look for another server …. again because getting into Seraph or Delirium I know just ain’t going to happen. Transfer back to Ysondre maybe and join Brewdrinker’s?
Not feeling very happy at the moment. Guild had to settle for doing 10man ICC over our 25 and on top of that we had a pug 2 spots in which once again … boots Bone Drake’s Enameled Boots went to a pug who was tanking but had called dps has his main spec. One of the reasons why I was sour about my old guild because we always had to pug spots and shit went to pugs rather than guildies. FML!