Anseis @ Rise of the Defiler, Blasted Lands

Yea yea  I know I said I hate Paladins but since transferring to Kel’Thuzad with Gör, it left me without an alt to play and I didn’t want to spend yet more rl money for a character tranfser.  I figured the only characters I don’t have yet are warrior and paladin.  When I think of warrior I’m like /yawn.  I did create a warrior once, but got so bored with it I deleted it @ level 6.  So I gave paladin a try and so far its pretty op like I knew it would be.  He’s currently at level 59 and with the new speed leveling added to the game he’s sure to be 80 long before Cata hits.

Well first thing I did zoning into the new world was to pay 10g to a Mage to port me to Stormwind … only to get disconnected just as taking the portal and now I can’t get on Gör at all; he’s stuck somewhere in the netherworld between Dalaran and Stormwind.  So I guess all of vanilla Azeroth has crashed. Good job Blizzard.  It’s been 6 years, I thought we have moved beyond crashing zones after a patch by now.  I guess no matter how new things are … some things never change.  But anyway, now I got a cool new loading screen when loading into the old world.  Guess I won’t be getting a refund on my 10g to that Mage for her port fail, eh.

Today 4.03a went live and although the servers are down atm so I haven’t seen The Shattering just yet, they’re scheduled to be back up by 8pm EST.  Anyone who’s been playin WoW for a while … well, we’ll see about that.  Blizzard has never been known to get servers back up and running on time after a major patch.  Nonetheless I was greeted with an awesome cinematic and new signon screen to make up for it.

Lich King Kill

That’s how long it took us to clear ICC10.  7 hours. People complete work shifts in 7 hours. People have babies in 7 hours. People wait in lines at Walmart for 7 hours … they should never take 7 hours to clear an instance in a game.  Most of it had to do with epic downtimes of say like oh … 1 and 2 hours because people kept getting disconnected but the raid lead was so bent and determined to kill Lich King he always had replacements.  But then again time and space began to merge it was taking so long, I lost track of time.  All I know is we started at about 10pm and I went to bed at 5am. It was weird.  I was seriously about to rage quit the raid and go to bed but Marex was hell bent on getting his Kingslayer title because he didn’t have his yet.  I got mine long time ago so there was really no gain for me being there other than some chance at loot to replace my 251 items and getting some hard modes done to complete my achievement. So good thing we did most the instance on hard modes of course except maybe 4 bosses including LK.  It all paid off in the end though since the mofo finally died.  We had many many attempts though only because we had (once again) alot of pug people who didn’t know the fight.  And the obnoxious pug tank was getting on my nerves. Argh. He’s like “I’VE NEVER DONE THE LICH KING BEFORE!!!” on Vent blowing everyone’s ears out.  /facepalm  Some people just have fail written on their foreheads.

Nonetheless, Marex got his Kingslayer title and I got my bed so it was all good in the end. Oh and yea I won something with no competition again Frost Giant’s Cleaver (Heroic).  Now to get rid of my fail boots.

An in-game friend of mine came on begging me to come to Kel’Thuzad so we can make a guild in Cataclysm … and ya know I woulda been all cool with it …. until he told me he re-rolled to Alliance  /sigh.  I haven’t played Alliance since Wrath release when I leveled my Shaman, Izri to 80.  And ONLY then I logged on to Alliance just to get her to 80.  After some more thinking, I was like do you want to go into Cataclysm in constant search for a guild only to find yet another bunch of assholes on Mal’Ganis or do you want to be already in Cataclysm in a guild with people you already know and already know they’re badass?  People you know that are going to show up for raids, don’t ignore boss mechanics, and pretty much know the game as well as you?  So I vouched for the latter and tranfserred Gör the Orc from Mal’Ganis to Gör now the Human on Kel’Thuzad.  And I have to say is I got more done in 24 hours on KT than I ever got done on Mal’Ganis in a very very long time so so far I’m glad I transferred.

When I first transferred to the server, it put me in Stormwind  /yawn.  And as soon as I walked out the Inn, Gör was like a magnet.  I think I had like 5 people inspect me and tell me I (my toon) looked cool.  I was like wow this is a really polite server compared to Mal’Ganis where EVERYONE looks cool and I’m just a drop of water in a bigass sea and everyone’s egos are bigger than that sea.

I spent much of the day helping Marex getting Justice Points and blowing all my own JP’s and Honor Points to get him some gear. After he logged, I noticed that all my lockouts had been reset  😛  so I could do ICC for a second time this week!  YAY and I’m glad I did.  Ran into a bunch of cool guys in a guild called De Ja Vu … once again a military guild but some funny ass people.   We cleared all the way up to Sindragosa with alot of  heroic modes and I won  Collar of Haughty Disdain to replace my Wrathful Gladiator’s Pendant of Triumph because a neck never dropped for me.  Although, I don’t know if  I can effectively say “I won” it because in order to win something, one must have a nemesis or some kind of competition, but I was the only melee DPS  in the raid so I was the only one who rolled, which I thought was weird; there were the 2 tanks, the 2 healers, everyone else was ranged DPS and then there was me.  But anyway, we cleared all the way up to Sindragosa (something I could never do on Mal’Ganis for some reason seeming it’s the number one server in the U.S. – so far I haven’t been unimpressed) and got to phase 3 on Lich King until he owned us all.  I just lol’d at our first attempt because I swear that was the fastest Defile I’ve ever seen.  After the Remorseless Winter phase, I was beating down one of the Raging Spirits and then turned around … and to my surprise a Defile was already down and had spread to halfway across the room because the stupid pug Druid tank who obviously didn’t know the fight, continued to tank LK in the Defile and didn’t bother to move … AT ALL!  The raid lead eventually kicked him from the raid.

After about the 4th attempt, we got LK to 18% before wiping but it was an awesome attempt.  They thought I was cool and was impressed with my damage and they’re like come to our guild! And I told em I couldn’t stay after Cataclysm cuz me and a few friends were making a guild. So they were like cool! and invited me.

Well, for days since the patch I’ve been trying to get my the UI I normally use LUI v3 to work but it’s done and the developers don’t know when they’ll have an update out.  I finally got most the errors to go away but now when the addon is enabled my frames drop from 35fps to 8fps … completely unplayable.  Trying out some new UIs that have updated their addons.  Maybe I’ll go back to LUI one day … who knows.

Finally got bored enough to bother getting my Undying achievement yesterday and got pissed off  last night in ICC 25 because I got saved to fail; only made it to a 4/12 run before idiots started randomly leaving the raid.  So far the DK changes haven’t been against me, as you can see. I haven’t updated my Recount since the patch so it wasn’t recording the per boss fights; just overall  =/

I thought it was pretty dam funny though when we started the zone on the trash mobs, I get this random whisper from Biggienuts about me having only one wep equipped:

I had just used Equipment Manager to change gear and apparently when I loaded Outfitter it caused it to glitch out and only equipped me with one wep.  And since Blizz thinks its funny when you’re out of combat, you will only display your main hand wep anyway, I didn’t notice I actually did only have one wep equipped before we started. It was a good laugh though … of course Biggie was over-exaggerating how much damage I was doing, but I was topping the DPS charts with 24k while everyone else was doing around 15k at that time.  How did I manage that?

My pack mobs rotation:

DnD > HB > PS > Pestilence (to spread the love) > OB/FS single target while HB spam whenever Rime is up which seems to be almost always for some reason  o.0. Reapply Pestilence if still a massive amount of mobs up, otherwise tab  PS to renew BP