First thing’s first, I had to find something to monitor what I’m eating. My weight gain was essentially just from eating more than I should (a.k.a. overeating) and not exercising. Instead of eating just a couple slices of pizza, I would sit at my computer for hours playing World of Warcraft and eat the whole damn pizza. Not even kidding. Instead of getting up and cooking a meal, I would eat out at chinese restaurants, McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Pizza Hut, Papa John’s, Taco Bell, Rally’s, KFC, Burger King and Captain D’s pretty much for every meal which was lunch and dinner because I don’t eat a breakfast. It took some time for all that to add up, probably about 6 years, but a few years from bad eating habits will make you one day wake up and look in the mirror and be surprised that you’re fat. I have never tried to lose weight before so I didn’t really know where to start. So I thought to myself, you’re a nerd techie girl and you already know there’s pretty much an app for everything. There’s gotta be an app for this! So I went on my Android phone and did a search for a calorie calculator. The first thing that came up was an app called My Fitness Pal. I looked over the app and found it looked pretty solid (although I didn’t really know what I was looking at). But then it said it had a web site too. Orly now? So I go to the web site and was amazed at what I saw, a completely FREE interface with an extremely large, active and responsive community. GTFO.
Now that I found an app to monitor my food intake, I started looking up some health steps to weight loss. The first thing was to find out my BMR and BMI. Nowbeit online you can only find estimates because many other factors go into it so the real answer would come from your doctor, however I figure the bottom line is I am overweight and I know it so the online charts won’t be too far from the truth.
After clicking “Calculate” it gave me my estimate:
Next I calculated my BMI:
Congrats! I’m OBESE! It’s only 2 lbs over but still, obese is obese and I’m there. Not good. I’ve never tipped the scales at 200 lbs, the closest I ever came was 198 lbs, and I’m not trying to go there. Ever. Now it’s time for action!
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