stopcispaThe following companies are only a few of more than 800 companies that are in support for a new bill the government is trying to pass under our noses called the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act  (CISPA).  In this bill, private company giants such as Google, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft and the government can circumvent your Fourth Amendment Right  to illegal search and seizures to obtain your digital data such as private emails, phone calls, videos, files, GPS locations, travel information, tickets, etc, pretty much everything about you without your consent and without you knowing. In this bill more than 800 companies would participate and serve as “data miners” collecting your data and the government would have full open access to it.  The government should not be passing laws to violate our Constitutional rights. Contact your Senators and let them know that CISPA is against your Fourth Amendment right and you do not support CISPA or private companies submitting your data.  If CISPA passes, say good-bye to the Fourth Amendment and your personal information remaining private on the internet.

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ACCEL Partners: @accel
Akamai: @akamai
Amgen: @amgen
Apple: @apple_worldwide
Arch Ventrue Partners: ???
AT&T: @att
Bidgely: @bidgely
BloomEnergy: @bloom_energy
Broadcomm: @Broadcom
ChargePoint: @ChargePointnet
Cisco: @CiscoSystems
Craigslist: @craigslist
Covington & Burling LLP: @CovingtonLLP
Davis Write Tremaine, LLP: ????
Dell: @Dell
Dewey Square Group: @DeweySquare
ebay: @ebay
eHealth: ???
Elance: @Elance
EMC: @EMCcorp
Encryptics: @encryptics
Enernoc: @EnerNOC
etagen: ???
F5 Networks: @f5networks
Facebook: @facebook
FloDesign: ???
Gap Inc: @GapInc
Genentech: @Genentech
Gilead Sciences: @GileadSciences
Global Foundries: ???
Goodwin Procter: ???
Google: @google
GridX: ???
HP (Hewlett Packard): @HP
Intel: @Intel
Intellectual Ventures: @IVinvents
Juniper Networks: @JuniperNetworks
KPCB: @kpcb
Lee and Hayes: ???
LiveOps: @LiveOps
Lucid: @luciddg
Madrona Investment Group: @MadronaVentures
Marvell: ???
Microsoft: @microsoft
MIND Research: @MIND_Research
Oracle: @oracle
Palantir Technologies: @PalantirTech
pfizer: @pfizer_news
pointb: @PointB
Pokeware: @PokewarePR
Rackspace Hosting: @rackspace
Reboot Partners: ???
SalesForce: @salesforce
SilverSpring: @silverspringnet
SmartSheet: @smartsheet
Spokeo: @spokeo
Stanford University: @stanford
SV Angel: @svangel
Sillicon Valley Bank Fin Grp: @SVB_Financial
Symantec: @symantec
Synopsys: @synopsys
TechNexus: @TechNexus
T-Mobile: @tmobile
Tendril: @tendril
VeriFone: @verifone
Verisign: @verisign
Visa: @visa
WGBH: @wgbh
WSGR: @wilsonsonsini
Yahoo!: @yahoo
yelp: @yelp
TechNet: @technetnews

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