Me & Mike

Mike & I took the car out for a spin .. crazy Mike couldn’t help doing 100mph in it. Probably would have gone faster if it wasn’t for the cops lurking around. He’s a cool friend of mine which I have known for years. I’m attracted to him but he never gave me any play. But we are so much a like, maybe it’s for the better. We both like video games, we both are Virgos, we are only two weeks apart in age, we both like Hondas, we both have at least two Hondas, we both are into computers, in fact we are both computer technicians, we both work at single-word jobs that begin with a “C”, come to think of it, there is nothing that I know of that we don’t have in common. He has a Civic and a Prelude … I’ve got a Civic and a CRX. I had not even noticed but when I bought my car the other day, I bought the same year and model that he did; but his is an EX, mine’s an HX but overall it’s the same car.

Our personalities are similar and we both have the same goals although he is a whole lot more successful of them than I am. I don’t know if he can see through me but I read through him like tissue paper. I just try not to let him know that I know that; I don’t think he would really care if I did or not though. Down side … he has a girlfriend.

But anyway, yeah, we’re doing like 100 down this strip and I am sure the car could pull faster but the HX is meant to conserve fuel, not performance … but that doesn’t mean it can’t be tweaked (wink,wink).

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