Blair Witch II: Sequels Always Suck

I saw the first Blair Witch at the movies and it’s one my favorites. Last night on Sci Fi, they showed Blair Witch II. I didn’t know a sequel had been made for it but like most sequels … it sucked. I couldn’t get scared even if I tried. The acting was bad, the plot was retarded, and the twist was just dumb. It was so bad it should have been illegal. At least the original Blair Witch was believable. The movie lost my vote when they attempted to create a “sequel” on a supposedly true story. I mean come on Hollywood … you don’t get two chances in life so to create a sequel is just nonsense.

What made it so bad was how they made the tour guide dude crazy; why did they do that? And second, the goth girl was cool, the only reasonable person in the movie but why all of a sudden she went psychic? And the Wiccan girl was just pointless; I think they just wanted to have a reason to throw nudity in the movie where it wasn’t needed. Then they tried to cover her breast with her hair. I’m sorry but if your breast are that small that your hair can cover them completely then those aren’t anything to be showing off; keep the doorknobs in the closet (literally because they found her dead in the closet at the end.

The movie was just dumb in all points possible. It was uncalled for and belittled the goodness of its original. They wasted money on this one … just my 2 cents.

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